Balance is something I have been personally working on, largely because it is essential to dance but is also conductive to how the personal energy flows and i find it relative in own spiritual life as I am discovering. The harmonious flow of energies in order to move upward towards to the heavens is within the domain of Apollon. While we don’t see any direct association with a sense of physical balanace as we see in Hinduism with the relationship of Shiva with Yoga, I can see how it could be applicable as Apollon in association with both music and dance, which calls for balance and harmony in practice. As such an exercise to develope balance is important as far as I can tell for implementing sacred dance. This doesn’t necessary have to take the form specifically of yoga, but any kind of routine that you feel would be beneficial to learn the feel of your center of gravity and how to use that. In our spiritual lives we must maintain a balance in order to be healthy individuals, and therefore I conclude that a spiritual dance, to be at its best must also include an understanding of balance. I am not very gymnastic so I can’t stand on my hands (I tried all through my childhood to do this without success..I never had enough upper body strength to pull it off) but there are many ways in which I can use balance. Especially in gestures and moves which require a shifting of the body’s gravity, as when one leg extends up from the ground. Therefore I have been devoting some minutes every day just to balance.